Please keep it clean!

As you know the club has been able to fund the surface in the new arena and the upgrade of the surface in the main arena. This has been done using the money raised through competitions all of which accrues to the club. These surfaces will not last forever and they will degrade more quickly if droppings are not cleared and mix in to the surface. It is the responsibility of all users to clear the arena when they leave. If you arrive and find droppings, please phone the Club mobile on 07898 603064 with the time and date and we will follow this up



Go directly to booking 

Following the Scottish Government's most recent announcement the indoor arenas may be used from 29th June 2020 we have reverted back to our usual booking calendars.  We ask that you book a slot of no more than an hour on the links below. Please continue to adhere to social distancing rules, and remember to wash your hands! 

Main Arena           Arena 2             

Arena 1 = Main Arena       Arena 2 = small indoor      

To make a booking - click on the dark orange link above and log in using your user name and membership number. You will then be able to click on the date/time that you wish to book and enter in your details. Members are NOT encouraged to share the arena unless you are from the same household. All individual/family provisional bookings must be confirmed by 72 hours prior to the event, or your booking will be cancelled.

For event or competition entries see our Events tab.

Note to Clubs/Groups - if you have provisionally booked the arena(s) for an Event, this must be confirmed at least 7 days before the Event or else the booking will be deleted. If you require both arenas, please remember to book on both calendars.

If you have any problems with booking please contact us at or phone 07898 603064

Rules of Booking

Bronze members can book up to 2 hours/month, Silver members up to 4 hours/month, Gold members up to 2 hours/week, and Diamond members up to 4 hours/week. Family members can book up to 2 hours/week.

Members can only book no more than two weeks in advance unless it is a block booking for training or for a Club. 

Club bookings should be made via the Club mobile - 07898 603064

Provisional bookings for individuals must be confirmed at least 72 hours before the event, or else the booking will be deleted to allow another member to use the arena(s). For Clubs/groups, provisional bookings must be confirmed 7 days before the event.

Please specify if you require a solo booking (e.g. having a lesson, jumping or schooling a novice horse or rider), otherwise another member will also be able to book the same slot (maximum of two). A group of friends counts as a solo booking but all must be members.



Lessons - you must be a member to attend these training sessions

  • Nigel Springer Show Jumping Lessons phone Kelly on 07761294425
  • Jane Rutherford lessons phone Shona Morton 07801685584